Thursday, June 21, 2012

Global warming will hurt the economy but will be good for Canadians anyway

According to a study led by Dr. Jose Rivera Sanchez at the University of Western Canada, global warming will decimate the Canadian economy. Its not all bad news though "Canadians will no longer have the reputation of having pasty white skin" said Sanchez "we will be able to work on our tans year round." Sanchez also addressed some likely changes in the habits of Canadian seniors "Retirees won't need to go to places like Palm Springs to flee the cold winters anymore." Sanchez hypothesizes that towns like Osoyoos in Southern British Columbia will become boom towns attracting seniors by the thousands. "They like the warm dry air, I like to call it the silver rush. They will likely go south of the border every Saturday morning to go to the flee market. The United States will be the new Mexico." Sanchez says the Mexicans will be hit the hardest "Mexico will be a barren wasteland with roving gangs pillaging and raping."

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